Adult Game Night and Potluck–Irish theme
Saturday, March 15
Bring your favorite dish and table game
beginning at 5:00 pm
Thursday Morning Bible Study at 10:00 am
Studying: Becoming a Woman of Prayer by Cynthia Heald
Meeting at the church
Contact Martha Leonard for more information
Women’s Bible Study Mondays at 6:30 pm
Meeting at the Church in the Fellowship Hall
Contact Pastor Lorenda for more information
Every Monday from 5:15-6:15 pm
at LVCN meeting in the Sanctuary
everyone Welcome
Men’s Bible Study
every other Wednesday
with Pastor Al
Meeting at 6:30 pm
beginning January 8th
Studying the Book of James
Bible Study on Worship in
Spirit and in Truth
Join us on Thursdays at 6:30 pm at LVCN
Contact Lauren Kish for more information.
Saturday March 29th
at 8:00am
Saturday, March 8th
at 9:00 am
Bring a breakfast dish to share